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Imagine a world where you could read anything you wanted without any strings worksheets, no projects, no reflection questions….just pure reading enjoyment. 

Welcome to Reading Mondays! Every Monday morning (*subject to change based on schedules and overall life happenings), we celebrate the simple, yet important, act of reading. Be prepared to take time to explore your favorite topics, try new things, and continue (or maybe bring back) the love of reading.

Reading Mondays

FAQ About Reading Mondays


  • Will we have to do stuff with this reading? Nope. In high school, you’ll have what’s known as quarterly independent reading projects, but during 8th grade, it’s about engaging in selecting books that get you excited about reading. 


  • Can we share what we’re reading? I would encourage it! I will be offering opportunities before we read each week to share your reading - either by talking about your book, making connections to class content, or even sharing your writing that you’ve been doing for class. 


  • What do you mean by “reading?” Did you know that Text is a broad term not just for print and books? When it comes to Reading Mondays, I want you to explore texts that interest you. This may be audiobooks, podcasts, documentaries, graphic novels, comic books and even print books.


  • Do you read with us? Yep! If I want to model good reading, I must do what good readers do best….read! 


  • Can I have food or drinks with me during Reading Mondays? Yes! But, be mindful of your trash and shared spaces with others.

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