Class Blog
According to George Couros, – author of “The Innovator’s Mindset” – blogging into today’s classroom is essential because
1) it creates open communication with others
2) it allows students to use multiple modes of literacy (not just pen and paper)
3) it contributes to building student voice
4) it creates an open archive of learning like a portfolio
5) develops a positive digital footprint (meaning the things you put into cyberspace is appropriate and meaningful!)
Blogging allows us as writers to not only communicate and practice different forms of writing, but it also allows us collaborate, respond, and interact with a larger audience. Within this space, you will be challenged to complete a series of blog posts that correlate with your learning experiences this year in 8th grade Language Arts.
While there may be guidelines to follow for writing process purpose, you will also have the freedom to express your thoughts using multiple modes of communication (images, links, video, etc.) in efforts to construct your ideas.
Don’t believe me? See what other people have to say about blogging…
We currently live in the 21st century, so it’s clear that our classroom should reflect that as well! We will be referencing our blog quite a bit throughout the year. This will ultimately turn into a writing portfolio so that you may see growth in your writing journey before heading to high school!
Source: Couros, George. The innovators mindset empower learning, unleash talent, and lead a culture of creativity. San Diego, CA: Dave Burgess Consulting, 2015. Print.
Getting started with EduBlogs
Some of the work you'll be doing in this class will require you to post it on your personal student blog page. For this work, we will use EduBlogs. Here is an abbreviated set of instructions from EduBlogs. You can find more detailed instructions on their help page.
Create your own blog at EduBlogs.​​
Sign up as a student.
Title your blog with your name so we can easily find your work. The URL for your blog should also be your FIRST and LAST name.
Choose "Customize" to construct your blog space the way you'd like it to be for the year.
Join our class.
Login into your blog dashboard.
Go to My Class > Join a Class.
Search for our class blog by entering '2022languagearts301'
Click send a request to join.
Navigating between blog dashboards.
Once approved to the class blog, you will have access to the class blog and your blog dashboard. To publish posts, you need to be in the dashboard of your blog. To change blog dashboards:
1. Go to My Sites dropdown menu in your admin bar.
2. Click on the dashboard of the blog you want to access.