In-Class Books

Ms. April Hicklin, Principal, Heyworth Junior High School
Discussing experiences with racism, living in poverty, and celebrating her Laotian heritage.

Ms. Jennifer Hobbs, Author and U.S. Veteran
Discussing experiences in the U.S. military, fighting in Iraq, suffering from P.T.S.D., and overcoming these experiences to share stories of hope.
Books to Checkout
Mr. Devin Kaufman - local farmer and community member
Discussing grief, how we treat each other as humans, and growing up to do what you love.
He is a retired pastor. In this video he shares about some of his life experiences like acts of bravery and scary experiences.he gives advice to the younger generation, people he has learned from, and just life experiences. He has a lot of great take-aways that anyone can learn from.
Mr. Louis Hoffman, retired pastor
Ms. Rebecca Petrie, local author
“I have always liked stories. Telling stories, entertaining my family members with stories.”
Rebecca is a children’s book author and lives here in Heyworth. She tells her story of becoming an author, after facing challenges in school as a learner, and how she got to where she is in life today. As a student, Rebecca wasn’t considered “smart”. She faced dyslexia, and had a hard time learning. She was bad at reading and writing, and didn’t like English class. As she grew up, she took opportunities to improve her writing, finding a true passion for it. Rebecca followed her dreams, found her purpose in life, and experienced great joy during this experience.
Mr. David Hodel, nuclear chemist
David Hodel is my Grandpa and he is sharing his life story and how he got to where he is now and what challenges he had to overcome to get where he is now. From living in Wisconsin to becoming a nuclear chemist at the Clinton nuclear power plant this is his story.
Mr. Aldahir Cruz, student teacher and life struggles
Mr. Cruz talks about the hard times in his life and how it was when he was little and why he wanted to be a teacher.
Mr. Kevin Swaim, local author
Kevin Swaim: From network specialist to guitar repairman to author he's skilled in a lot and works hard on everything.
Mr. Andy Mammen, father and dedicated family man
In this book Andy talks about his appreciation for family. He feels as if family is the only thing he needs. He relies on his family for comfort, resources, and love. He speaks on what he lives by. This being spending as much time with loved ones as you can, while you can.
Anonymous, personal experiences with the death of a parent, poverty, immigration and mental illness
Anonymous-Talking about her personal experiences with the death of a parent, poverty, immigration and mental illness. She learned how to overcome them and she turned her life around. Listen to her story to find out more.
Mr. Eric Jones, sacrifice, friendships and hardships in the military.
He shares his inspiring story of the sacrifice, friendships and hardships in the military. Emotions shared from not only him but his parents who had to experience their son leaving for a long period of time to got to Iraq and Afghanistan.He also talks about his emotions now that he has to leave from his family for a year and how much harder it is for him now that he has a family.He not only shares his journeys but helpful tips to those interested in joining the military.
Ms. Johnna Gresham, stroke victim
Johnna tells you about the time she had a stroke when she was 21 and after she had the stroke She couldn't even talk because her tongue was swollen but still went to work before going to the E.R.
Ms. Charleigh Peterson, broken arm experience
Charleigh Peterson is a very bubbly, kind, outgoing child who broke her arm while messing around on a swing. She went to the hospital and had to have surgery on her elbow and this is Charleigh’s story in her own words.
Anonymous, An LGBTQ+ person’s story about coming out
Anonymous- An LGBTQ+ person’s story about coming out to trusted peers and getting outed and loosing friends because of their sexuality. This has been a very traumatic experience for them and they are still dealing with stuff with this today.