ABOUT THE HUMAN LIBRARY *from the global website
The Human Library Organization is a registered international not for profit with our administrative headquarters located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The secretariat is open on all weekdays daily from 10 am to 4 pm and can be reached via phone or email. For more information on staff and functions see here.
The HLO is dedicated to ensuring a global implementation of the Human Library as a learning platform. We are at current operational on six continents and we host or are involved in activities in more than 80 countries. We also have the privilege of working with some of the larger brands in the world. Helping them with their diversity and inclusion efforts.
THE ORIGIN OF THE HUMAN LIBRARY *from the global website
The Human Library or “Menneskebiblioteket” as it is called in Danish, was created in Copenhagen in the spring of 2000 by Ronni Abergel and his brother Dany and colleagues Asma Mouna and Christoffer Erichsen.
The original event was open eight hours a day for four days straight and featured over fifty different titles. The broad selection of books provided readers with ample choice to challenge their stereotypes and so more than a thousand readers took advantage leaving books, librarians, organisers and readers stunned at the reception and impact of the Human Library.